As an experienced copy editor with an understanding of SEO, I have decided to write an article on AEU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement or EBA. In this article, I will discuss what the AEU EBA is, what it entails, and how it affects employees and employers.

What is AEU EBA?

AEU EBA is an acronym for the Australian Education Union Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. An enterprise bargaining agreement is a collective agreement between employers and employees that sets out terms and conditions of employment. The AEU EBA is specific to the education sector and is negotiated by the Australian Education Union on behalf of its members, who are mostly teachers and support staff.

What does AEU EBA entail?

The AEU EBA covers a range of issues that are important to education sector employees. These include:

1. Salary increases – The agreement sets out salary increases over a certain period, which is typically three or four years.

2. Staffing arrangements – The agreement sets out the number of staff required in schools, the types of positions available, and how they will be filled.

3. Professional development – The agreement covers professional development opportunities for employees, which could include training, workshops, and conferences.

4. Workload management – The agreement specifies how much work employees are expected to complete and how it should be done.

5. Leave entitlements – The agreement sets out the types of leave available, such as annual leave, sick leave, and parental leave, and how they can be taken.

6. Health and safety – The agreement covers workplace health and safety and sets out procedures for dealing with occupational health and safety issues.

How does AEU EBA affect employees and employers?

The AEU EBA is important for both employees and employers. For employees, the agreement provides a framework for employment conditions, including salary increases, leave entitlements, and professional development opportunities. It also helps to ensure that employees are treated fairly and that their rights are protected.

For employers, the AEU EBA provides a structure for managing employees and setting employment conditions. It helps to ensure that employees are appropriately trained and qualified, and that they are working in a safe and healthy environment.


The AEU EBA is an important agreement for the education sector in Australia. It sets out terms and conditions of employment, including salary increases, staffing arrangements, professional development, workload management, leave entitlements, and health and safety. The agreement is important for both employees and employers, ensuring that employees are treated fairly and that their rights are protected, while providing a structure for managing employees and setting employment conditions. It is important for all parties to understand the AEU EBA and how it affects them in the workplace.